Volunteer With Us

Buddy System volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization! We have heard from volunteers that they feel a direct connection to the work, seeing firsthand that their participation is making a difference in people’s lives. To get started, register below and then check our our volunteer opportunities!

At Buddy System, we work with our volunteers to find where their passion lies so that each volunteer can give back in a meaningful way. From joining our weekly team of food pickups to canvassing a neighborhood to get the word out about a new fridge, we have a wide array of opportunities to give back to the community we all love.

Volunteers also find a real sense of community through Buddy System, connecting with other volunteers in their area creating meaningful relationships with like-minded people.


To get started volunteering with us, please fill out the form below.
Upon completion, you’ll receive a welcome email with more info on how to get started!